WP Bootstrap Gallery

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A custom WordPress gallery for dynamic thumbnail layout using Twitter Bootstrap 2 (https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/) and the WordPress built in gallery manager. Once the script is setup it will alter the WordPress gallery shortcode to create a unique thumbnail layout based on the number of gallery items.

This is a utility class is intended to format your WordPress gallery shortcode to use Twitter Bootstrap thumbnail layouts, and does not include the Twitter Bootstrap files You will have to install include them manually.


Place wp_bootstrap_gallery.php in your Wordpress theme folder /wp-content/your-theme/

Open your WordPress themes functions.php file /wp-content/your-theme/functions.php and add the following code:

// Register Custom Gallery


Simply create a WordPress post gallery as you usually would and the script will do the rest.

Supported Layouts

Creating custom layouts

All layouts are created using Bootstrap span declarations for 12 columns and CSS floats. The script counts the number of images and assigns an array of spans for that number of images.

For example: If we want to layout 6 images where we have One 2/3 (8 Cols) width image on the left side with two 1/3 (4 Cols) width images on the right, and underneath two 1/3 (4 Cols) width images on the left side and one 2/3 (8 Cols) width image on the right.


    case 6:
        $span_array = array(8,4,4,4,4,4);

Replace With:

    case 6:
        $span_array = array(8,4,4,4,4,8);



